Designing a non-denominational holiday card for a full-service engineering firm can be difficult. Every area of the organization wants to extend themselves to their existing and potential clients and everyone wants their discipline to be included inĀ the design.
For the 2019 holiday card, I chose simple, representational iconography to put all of these different disciplines under one banner.
Bridges, medium-use buildings, barns, street signs, roundabouts, water towers, compasses, traffic cones and more combine to create a tapestry that not only represents the services that MSA offers, but also anĀ amalgamation of the interlocking systems that blend together to create a functional community.
Bridges, medium-use buildings, barns, street signs, roundabouts, water towers, compasses, traffic cones and more combine to create a tapestry that not only represents the services that MSA offers, but also anĀ amalgamation of the interlocking systems that blend together to create a functional community.
This design also invokes regional folk art as a means of calling back to MSA's history and expanding presence in the upper Midwest and it incorporates nearly all of MSA's established brand colors.
To compliment the traditional holiday interaction, I created an animated version of this design in After Effects that was used as a seasonal greeting for MSA's social media accounts.
The above clip is 30 seconds, so you can get an idea of the looping effect that was native to the social media platforms the original 4 second video was published to.
The above clip is 30 seconds, so you can get an idea of the looping effect that was native to the social media platforms the original 4 second video was published to.